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Action. Impact. Repeat.

Social and environmental on-the-ground actions

augmented by top-tier technology


Research Partner


Ecosystem Member

to Janah

The Impact Tech startup addressing the plastic crisis in the Global South

Adressing environmental and social concerns related to the plastic pollution crisis:

11 million tons of plastic enter our oceans each year,

80% of which comes from land-based sources.

We empower brands to support plastic waste management and empower waste pickers in the global south through incremental plastic recovery efforts and social empowerment actions in emergency areas requiring urgent assistance.

Plastic pollution is one of the greatest challenges of our time
of all plastic waste entering the oceans
comes from a few hundred rivers in the Global South
4 billion
people are likely to not have access to
an organized waste collection system by 2040

Our solution: combining incremental on-the-ground actions with a tech-driven ecosystem

Achieve remarkable environmental and social outcomes that would not occur without your commitment, where it matters the most, and get full ownership of the positive impacts generated.

Our solution combines incremental plastic removals and social empowerment with a tech-driven ecosystem for near real-time tracking, data management, reporting, traceability, transparency and communication.


Environmental Actions

Social Empowerment

Get away from greenwashing,
make a real impact instead

Forget about unfounded claims and publicity stunts

We provide brands with the power of making a real and immediate impact in underprivileged regions of the world that need urgent help right away.

With Janah, each brand takes specific actions that will not occur otherwise, effectively taking ownership of the positive results occurring on the ground.

Brands have the power to create a ripple effect of positive change, they just need assurances if they are to do so.


All our actions are backed by verifiable and quantifiable evidence

By focusing on incremental actions instead of retrospective credits, we can measure the impact down to the action level and provide near real-time proof of your brand's influence.

All your actions are exemplified in a comprehensive dashboard at the disposal of your teams, so you can relate of your positive impact with complete trust and transparency and contribute measurably to the SDGs.

Plastic crisis in India, a shared global challenge

Make your brand become a catalyst for change


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